This page has been set up to provide information and resources for supervisors of Riverbend run Holiday, Youth and Leadership camps. Please use the resources here when planning your camp and liaise closely with the Riverebend Office Manager to ensure that things you need set up or provided are ready for you.

Updates and news
Messy Games Shed. This has been enlarged and tidied. Lots of resources here.

Supervisors office – email admin@riverbend.org.au for items you require at camp.
This room is part of the Supervisors office and has a range of resources to use for games, crafts, activities and thematic decorations. Craft resources include paints, balloons, glue, scissors, straws, icy pole sticks, glitter, butchers paper, food cooluring, gelatinie, foil, newspaper.
Other items include Yes/No buttons, stackomat, nerf guns and targets, team tags, facepainting items and LED lights and candles.
There are also card games jigsaw puzzles, board games and Twister for use in free time activities in the dining room.
When you are organising activities please email Riverbend with things you require and we can have them ready for you – this might include shaving cream for messy games, detergent for outdoor messy games etc.

List of Board games in resource room
Monopoly: Australian version, Christmas version and normal version
Australian Idol, Deal or No Deal, Millionaire Hotseat, and Scattergories
Trick Sticks
5 Second rule and Apples to Apples (crazy combinations)
Rummikub, Sniggle and Razzle
Twister and Snakes and Ladders
A range of Zenga games
4 sets of Trouble (Ludo)

Games Trolley
Contains the following games
Tray 1: UNO, Skipbo, Phase `10, Monopoly, Go Fish
Tray 2: Playing cards LARGE medium size normal size , Bible card game
Tray 3: Greed, Zoink, Get rich quick, Yahtze, Jungle Speed
Underneath tub: Battleship, Connect 4, Line up, Toggle, Cars, Boggle (2), Tricky Fingers
Underneath: Chess and checkers, Snakes and ladders, 100 classic games

Sports Room
The Sports room is to be locked when not in use. You might like to allocate a support staff member or a trainee leader to have a key to the room and be responsible to ensure items are returned back to the sports room after use.
There are a range of balls – hard and soft- for use outside and inside. Pumps are also in the room to keep them inflated.
Items include:
Grip- bat set, badminton rackets, tennis rackets, a large box of tennis balls, whomper hockey, nets, plastic balls, tarps, water guns, exercise balls, golf balls and sticks, hula hoops etc.
The roller skates are for inside or outside and in many sizes. They are in pairs already and hung up according to size. Please ensure they are returned tied up in their pairs.

Messy Games – email admin@riverbend.org.au for items you need to use at your camp
This resource area is next to the wood shed. It has been enlarged and tidied and has most items you need for messy games plus two tabels taht can be used on the oval.
There are tarps, gold rocks, balls, rope, large blue bins to hold water , tyres, foam mattresses and a trolley to move things around.
Water balloons are kept in the supervisors resource room and detergent is in the supervisors office
Witches hats are in the Sports room
Please email Riverbend for supplies and quantities you might want to use when running outdoor messy games..

Big Games Cupboard
These resources are available for free time activities or for organised rotational activities. The key is on the Sports Room lanyard. Currently we have the following games
Connect 4,
Noughts and crosses (2 sets),
Riverbend Zenga,
roller Ball (2 sets),
10 Pin Bowling
Pick up sticks
Running a Camp

Handbook and role descriptions
The Riverbend leaders handbook is in an electronic form. Role descriptions are sent out to staff once allocated to a camp.
It is advisable for supervisors to know and be aware of the role expectations of other camp staff.
Click here for the Handbook

Program templates is available here

The Board has set a budget of $15 per camper plus 1 pool visit per camp

Off the campsite options
- SWIRL is our new aquatic centre and is available for hire. We can only use it after hours and generally for 1 hour. Email Riverbend to request a night for going to the pool and we will book it for you and book buses. Indicate also if you want the inflatable
- In the Zone. Rivebend owns this entertainment complex. In summer camps you might want to book it and use West Park beach for swimming and games making it a full day excursion. Mid week is often best for something like this.
- Other off camp possibilites are trips to Stanley, Marrawah, or Boat Harbour and activites in town (well supervised of course)
Email or phone Riverbend if you wish to hold an excursion so we can discuss options with you. See the excursion risk matrix in downloadable forms.

Risk Management
Supervisors must be aware of Riverbend expectations with risk and risk management.
To this end there is an Activity Manual with guidelines for running Riverbend activities plus a risk management spreadsheet with risk and minimisation strategies listed for every Riverbend activity. Located in downloadable forms
When organising games supervisors are expected to think about things that could go wrong and plan for ways to minimise that. There is no need to fill in a risk management plan for games and activities at camp.
If taking campers offsite, supervisors need to alert the Riverbend Office Manager who will complete a risk management plan with them. There are some of these already completed that supervisors can access in the Riverbend Excursions matrix

Downloadable forms and documents
- Riverbend activity manual
- Riverbend Activities risk Matrix
- Riverbend Excursions risk Matrix
- Riverbend Leaders handbook
- Riverbend Leaders Code of Conduct
- Program Template