
This camp is “Summer Camp 2021 – 2 | Grades 4 – 6 | Jan 10th – 15th”

Riverbend holds camps every school holidays, Packed full with:

Exciting Activities, Encouraging Studies, Action Packed Games & All sorts of FUN.

Please Note Riverbend requires everyone to bring a Drink Bottle that is clearly named. Please also bring a hat.

Confirmation Details

Please select how many participants you are registering on this page and you will be able to fill in the details for each of them at checkout. Once you have either paid by credit card or indicated that you are paying by Direct debit or Eftpos on arrival,  your spot is booked in.  You will receive some email updates as your order is processed.  Once it is finalised in our system you will receive your confirmation email which will contain any further detail you may need to know about the camp you are attending plus the code of conduct. 

Anyone sent home for not abiding by our code of conduct will not receive any form of refund.


If you would like canteen, please select the option on this page as it saves time upon check-in.

Cancellation fee is $20.


  1. Riverbend is a Christian campsite administered by the Christian Brethren Churches of Circular Head.  We expect all campers to participate in all camp activities including games, Bible studies and devotions.
  2. All volunteer workers aged 16 & above including staff at Riverbend are required to have a current ”Working with vulnerable people” card
  3. Signing children in and out of camp must be done by a parent/guardian/carer
  4. Riverbend staff will not release children to a non-custodial person without parent/guardian authorization
  5. No parents/guardians/carers are to approach other children during pick up or drop off times to discuss camp issues. All such discussions are to be held with Riverbend site staff only.

At Riverbend we want to care for each child who comes to our holiday camps. This begins when the child is dropped off and continues until they are picked up by their legal parents/guardians. To help us please fill in the following details. Please note that all information is treated confidentially. Cabin leaders and support staff are briefed on medical/behavioural problems that may require special care. Due to the staffing of the camp, please come at the times listed as outside of these times our leaders may not be able to provide sufficient time to look after your child and attend our induction and debriefing sessions prior to the commencement of camp.

We want to have a safe and positive camp environment. Upon receipt of this application each camper will be sent a code of conduct to read and adhere to. If campers are not prepared to agree to this code of conduct, you are invited to phone us and withdraw your application. Campers are not to bring mobile phones, laptops, electronic games, CD players, MP3 players, knives, scissors, swap cards, tarot cards, matches or lighters. Aerosol deodorant cans are not permitted due to health reasons. Absolutely no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes are allowed at camp. 

Parent / Guardian Consent & Authority

I, the undersigned, agree to the camper/s  named in this application attending Riverbend Youth Centre for the period noted and agree to them participating in the activities provided by Riverbend Youth centre.  These may include messy games, indoor games, outdoor games, Flying Fox, Flying Squirrel, Waterslide, pool visit, excursions, Jumping Pillow, Indoor Bungee Run, Indoor Jumping castle and push bikes.  All campers are required to observe all necessary safety rules given by Riverbend staff and leaders.  I appreciate that there are risks involved in these activities.  I understand that whilst every care will be taken, Riverbend staff and leaders cannot and do not guarantee that campers will not sustain personal injury or loss or theft of property during their camp.  I release Riverbend Youth centre from all claims arising out of personal injury, or loss or theft of property sustained by the camper/s named in this application during their camp except only to the extent that said personal injury or loss of theft of property is occasioned due to negligence on the part of Riverbend, its staff or its leaders.  

I agree to advise Riverbend Youth centre if, prior to the camp commencing, the applicants/s contract any ailments considered  to be detrimental to the health of other campers.

I authorise Riverbend staff to obtain for the applicant/s all medical treatment and attention considered reasonably necessary at my expense, provided I am notified of the circumstances and treatment required as soon as practicable.

I understand that if the camper does not abide by Riverbend’s code of conduct, camp management reserves the right to contact me and have them sent home from the camp.


Male, Female



Event Details

Start date: January 10, 2021

End date: January 15, 2021

Start time: 15:30 p.m.

End time: 09:30 a.m.

Venue: Riverbend Youth Centre

Phone: 0364521635
