“Into the Deep” Youth Camp 2022 | Grades 7 and up | 4 – 7 Nov
Riverbend holds a Youth camp every November long weekend for grades 7 upwards. This year’s camp theme is “Into the Deep”. Youth camps are full of energy and are a great place for teens and older to enjoy a weekend together and be challenged by relevant bible presentations.
Get your Application in fast as spaces are limited. Once all places are filled you will be placed on the waiting list. Once your application form has been received by mail or email along with payment your form will be processed, then a letter of acknowledgement & acceptance will be sent out. This may contain any further detail you may need to know about the camp you are attending. Anyone sent home for not abiding by our code of conduct will not receive any form of refund. Cancellation fee is $20.
Riverbend is a Christian campsite administered by the Christian Brethren Churches of Circular Head.
1. All volunteer workers aged 16 & above including staff at Riverbend are required to have a current ”Working with vulnerable people” card
2. Signing children in and out of camp must be done by a parent/guardian/carer
3. Riverbend staff will not release children to a non-custodial person without parent/guardian authorization
4. A reminder, No parents/guardians/carers are to approach other children during pick up or drop off times to discuss camp issues. All such discussions are to be held with Riverbend site staff only.
At Riverbend we want to care for each child who comes to our holiday camps. This begins when the child is dropped off and continues until they are picked up by their legal parents/guardians. To help us please fill in the following details. Please note that all information is treated confidentially. Cabin leaders and support staff are briefed on medical/behavioural concerns that may require special care. Due to the staffing of the camp, please come at the times listed as outside of these times our leaders may not be able to provide sufficient time to look after your child and attend our induction and debriefing sessions prior to the commencement of camp.
We expect all campers to participate in all camp activities including games, Bible studies and devotions.
We want to have a safe and positive camp environment. Upon receipt of this application each camper will be sent a code of conduct to read and adhere to. If campers are not prepared to agree to this code of conduct, you are invited to phone us and withdraw your application.
Campers are not to bring mobile phones, laptops, electronic games, CD players, MP3 players, knives, scissors, swap cards, tarot cards, matches or lighters. Aerosol deodorant cans are not permitted due to health reasons. Absolutely no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes are allowed at camp.
If you would like canteen, please select the option on this page as it saves time upon check-in.
I have read the information section above carefully. I approve of this application and agree that although camp leaders will exercise all possible care they are not liable for any injuries or damages which may be sustained to person or property. I also authorise the camp to obtain any medical attention as required at my expense and promptly notify me. I understand that if the camper does not abide by Riverbend’s code of conduct, camp management reserve the right to remove them from camp.
Confirmation Details
Please select how many participants you are registering on this page, you will be able to fill in the details for each of them at checkout. Once you have paid your spot is booked in. You will receive some email updates as your order is processed. Once it is finalised in our system you will receive your confirmation email.
We look forward to having you with us.
Gender | Male, Female |
Event Details
Start date: November 04, 2022
End date: November 07, 2022
Start time: 18:30 p.m.
End time: 14:00 p.m.
Venue: Riverbend Youth Centre
Coordinates: -40.839336599999996,145.1149945
Phone: 0364521635
Email: admin@riverbend.org.au