
This camp is “October Camp 2023  | Grades 3 – 5 | October 1st – 6th”

Riverbend holds camps every school holidays, packed full with:

Exciting Activities, Encouraging Studies, Action Packed Games & All sorts of FUN.

However, please be aware that it is an absolute expectation that campers WILL join in ALL activities.  We cannot safely look after individual campers who refuse to join in or be a spectator.  In that instance parents/carers will be asked to come and take them home.

At Riverbend we want to care for each child who comes to our holiday camps. This begins when the child is dropped off and continues until they are picked up by their legal parents/guardians. To help us please fill in the following details. Please note that all information is treated confidentially. Cabin leaders and support staff are briefed on medical/behavioural problems that may require special care. Due to the staffing of the camp, please come at the times listed as outside of these times our leaders may not be able to provide sufficient time to look after your child and attend our induction and debriefing sessions prior to the commencement of camp.

We want to have a safe and positive camp environment. Upon receipt of this application each camper will be sent a code of conduct to read and adhere to. If campers are not prepared to agree to this code of conduct, you are invited to phone us and withdraw your application. Campers are not to bring mobile phones, laptops, electronic games, CD players, MP3 players, knives, scissors, swap cards, tarot cards, matches or lighters. Aerosol deodorant cans are not permitted due to health reasons. Absolutely no drugs, alcohol or cigarettes are allowed at camp. 

Please note that  if your child is suffering from any cold or flu like symptoms, they may not enter the campsite. In a similar fashion if they are experiencing any stomach related symptoms such as vomiting or diaorrhea, they cannot enter the campsite until they have been free of symptoms for 24 hours.  Ring or email the camp office for clarification.  

I understand that if the camper does not abide by Riverbend’s code of conduct, which will be sent to you, camp management reserves the right to contact me and have my child/children sent home from the camp.



Male, Female



Event Details

Start date: October 01, 2023

End date: October 06, 2023

Start time: 15:30 p.m.

End time: 09:30 a.m.

Venue: Riverbend Youth Centre

Phone: 0364521635
