
This Leadership Training weekend is designed to help train people (grade 7 and up) who are already involved in, or who would like to be involved in, volunteering at Riverbend’s holiday camps.

For ALL leaders at Riverbend it is a requirement of your leadership role to be involved in training exercises so that we can equip you and guide you in techniques and policies that you need to know as part of your role. All leaders should plan on attending if  at all possible.  If you would like to attend but are  unable to, please let the Organizing Committee know or email

You will meet new people and be taught new things. We advise you to come to camp with an open mind and give everything a go. Pastoral care will be available for you to make the most of. All the usual camp rules apply during the weekend. Be respectful of other people and their belongings, no swearing and let people sleep. Phones are not permitted during any workshops unless requested by the presenter. Remember you are here to learn how to be the best leader, supervisor, auntie, uncle, camp parent possible. We will be looking at everyone’s behaviour over the weekend to see if you are the right leader we need at upcoming camps.


Male, Female

Event Details

Start date: May 17, 2024

End date: May 19, 2024

Start time: 18:30 p.m.

End time: 14:00 p.m.

Venue: Riverbend Youth Centre

Phone: 0364521635
